Melanoma UK has been appointed to the Steering Committee of All.Can UK

All.Can UK is a partnership between leading national health charities and biopharmaceutical companies with a shared ambition for improving cancer care through best practice implementation and long-term thinking.

All.Can UK looks to provide proactive and implementable solutions for UK policymakers and NHS leaders to improve NHS efficiency, share learnings from best practice in cancer care and develop a world-class cancer service in the UK.

In order to support the NHS in improving patient care, All.Can carries out the following activities:

  • Leads and commissions research to gather evidence on where system inefficiencies exist and helps identify ways to improve efficiency in cancer care
  • Develops concrete tools and platforms for stakeholders to work together to ensure cancer care decisions are based on what matters to patients, and resources are used as effectively as possible
  • Helps to implement concrete policy actions based on these findings.

Examples of such activities from 2019 include a webinar on overcoming barriers to adoption of service redesign; launching the results of a global patient survey on where inefficiencies exist in cancer care, building advocates in parliament; and developing a report on the importance of psychological support for cancer patients, which is due for publication in 2020.

The Steering Committee provides the executive function for All.Can UK, overseeing its strategic direction and ensuring it meets its stated aims. Melanoma UK are joined on the Steering Committee by the Patients Association, Bloodwise, Bristol-Myers Squibb and Merck Sharpe & Dohme.

More information about All.Can can be found at